Looking for Session Player Services in Los Angeles?
Hire A Session Player for Your Music | Call (818) 360-5769
Session player services are essential for any recording artist if they need additional vocals, keyboards, guitars, bass, or percussion. If you want to take your project to the next level we offer session player services any time you need us. Feel free to contact us for your free quote on session player services today.
An average rate for a session musician ranges from $40-$60 an hour or $75-$100 per song.

Many great artists and songs included session players either they were hired by the record label or recording artists themselves. If your song feels like it is missing something chances are they need additional keyboards, backing vocals, or even a missing bass track.

MIDI drum tracks and live drum tracks are also an option. So anytime you have a song that is in need of additional drum tracks always know that Backing Track Express has the best session players on call within the Hollywood and San Fernando Valley.

Background and Bio of Producers/Sound Engineers/Video Editors – Backing Track Services
David got his start with piano lessons at age 9 and started his first local band “The Wanderers in 1965. Classically trained, the new 60’s Rock music like “The Beatles” was what got him excited and away from the stiff formal music upbringing. David was then hired by the biggest band in Montana in 1967 called the “Frantics”. Anybody growing up in the late 60’s would probably have seen them. The Frantics toured with the Who, Young Rascals, McCoys and “The Yardbirds” with Jimmy Page as Bass Player. He got to jam with Jimi Hendrix and met 2 of the “Beatles” in New York in 1968. They moved to Hollywood in 1969. Their album was produced by Gabrial Meckler on Ampex Records, (Steppenwolf & Three Dog Night fame) and they were managed by Robert Fitzpatrick. After the Frantics, David joined a new Band in Hollywood called “Whitehorse”. After becoming the leader, He hired guitarist Mick Mars now in “Motley Crue” who played with him for 5 years. Whitehorse played with Van Halen many nights on Sunset Strip in those days; they played about 300 nights a year. David and Mick were always close friends. (See the web site B4dirt.com or read the Motley Crue Chronicles) for more story about that! In the “80”s he became a technical expert to the stars while working in Hollywood music stores, becoming a product specialist for Korg Synthesizers in 1983. In 1985 he was hired as a synthesizer programmer at Motown by Willie Hutch and Berry Gordy. They had a top 40 billboard hit with Carrie McDowell, and that experience was the beginning of his own studio.
David signed with Floyd Records in 2006, and had a dozen songs with Earl Parker & Monique Wells that hit the top 40 Country Music charts. “David also Co-Produced and recorded Corey Leland’s music for “A Kids life” play which is a successful touring show in theaters around the country. Also, Corey’s critically acclaimed “The Insects Rock”. In 2007 Backing Track Express began. Now we send backing tracks around the World!
Backing Tracks – Recording Studio Services – What Are Backing Tracks?