Karaoke Backing Tracks with Lyrics

Karaoke Backing Tracks

Professional Karaoke Backing Tracks

Backing Track Express | (818) 360-5769


We specialize in accurate Karaoke Backing Tracks. We got into the Karaoke Backing Track business because most of these Karaoke tracks were terrible and believed we could do better. Most are cheaply made and seldom sound like the original. The reason is that most are machine made. They feed the audio into a computer and it spits out midi randomly assigned data that sounds like a video game. What we do is hand craft each production by replaying every part accurately. The method of vocal elimination seldom works. It leaves the track washed out with the vocal reverb still there. There really is no good vocal elimination, a good backing track is reconstructed. With today’s technology our tracks can sound better than an old track.


Quality Karaoke Backing Tracks

Get Started Today | (818) 360-5769


To change the key, most Karaoke Tracks with Lyrics are digitally pitched which degrades them. We custom make Backing Tracks in the key you want so our tracks are not degraded. Custom features of any kind can be made for your tracks. Many times, making an ending instead of a fade is going to draw applause. We have a specialist that encodes the lyrics if you want the lyrics included.


Karaoke Backing Tracks

Affordable Karaoke Backing Tracks

Backing Track Express | (818) 360-5769


So, if you want affordable high quality Karaoke Tracks with Lyrics send us a YouTube link or mp3 of the original. We will get right back to you with a price. If you want perfectly accurate tracks, we can help you, Backing Track Express is professional level. If you are looking for cheap machine tracks, we are not the place.



Karaoke Backing Tracks


Billing goes through PayPal. You can count on us! We’re located near Hollywood, CA.  You can call us at 818 360-5769 anytime.



David Day/Producer 

Backing Track Express




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Backing Tracks – Recording Studio Services – What Are Backing Tracks?

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